Banking BPO card issuing

Manage the issuing life cycle efficiently and compliantly —while creating additional value for customers — with services spanning all aspects of card issuing.  



The credit card business is complicated, involving many parties to process transactions quickly and in compliance. As new entrants continue to threaten traditional issuing banks and their customer relationships, it’s vital that banks introduce new revenue channels, support multiple payments seamlessly and enable a digital customer journey.

30M+ cards on file

9B+ credit/debit transactions annually  

DXC supports the entire issuing process with real-time connections through any digital channel. Customer services span all aspects of card issuing, from application and authorization to issuance of the card or payment token, with parameter-driven configurability and a variety of authorization controls. We also provide robust fraud monitoring, collections, exception processing, web portals and online reporting tools.

“We are very impressed with DXC’s ability to deliver nearly 50 different analytics, enhanced fraud and security protection and optimized processes that will help build our overall operations to scale so that our clients can experience a best-in-class product offering."

Starr Williams
Commercial Card Director
First Horizon Bank

Partners and key collaborators


Reimagine insurance business processes in the cloud and create business value with DXC  and AWS.


Modernize for tangible cloud, workplace and application business results with DXC and Microsoft.

Bottomline Technologies

Achieve greater business outcomes with DXC's BPO solutions integrating Bottomline's flexible payment and banking technology.

Creative Virtual

Leverage conversational AI services  based on Creative Virtual's industry-leading V-Person technology and V-Portal platform.